Rise Up, God’s Masterpiece

Rise Up, God’s Masterpiece

A remarkable theme befitting the National Oblate Youth Encounter in training Oblate Youth Leaders and Animators in Youth Mental Health Accompaniment headed by the Director of the Youth and Family Center of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Fr. Yoniz Beley OMI, and his team of esteemed resource speakers.

The National Oblate Youth Encounter, dubbed as NOYE, began with the arrival of the delegates representing the parishes and mission stations of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate on the 27th of July 2023 with a total of 130 participants. The official start of the event began the next day, 28th of July, with an early celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by the Provincial Superior of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Philippine Province, Fr. Gerry Gamaliel delos Reyes, OMI, concelebrated with other Oblate priests. A renewed Oblate Cross was also blessed during the celebration.

The content of the event centered around the mental health of the youth with workshops that will enable these young leaders in accompanying their fellow youth in their journeys. A total of nine (9) days was the duration of the event and ended on the 4th of August 2023.

Let us pray for these Youth Leaders and Animators in their voyage in accompanying their fellow youth with special regards to each and everyone’s mental health. Let us also pray for the Youth and Family Center with it’s facilitators and resource speakers and it’s director as well that in their ministry in fulfilling their mission of bringing out the best of joys and hopes in every youth and family.







OMI Pre-Novitiate Acceptance Rites 2023

OMI Pre-Novitiate Acceptance Rites 2023

“I assure you, something great awaits you here in this place”. – Fr. Gerry Gamaliel delos Reyes, OMI.

A year has passed since I’ve heard these words uttered by the Provincial Superior as we were welcomed as Postulants or Pre-Novices for the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Truly, there were great things that came our way, but I am only able to describe it as remarkable, fleeting, even, for there were so much that took place and all we could do is reminisce. Even so, each experiences carved a new learning that helped us in our growth. We had hoped that all of us would proceed in our discernment, but only a few remained and were received as Novices for the Novitiate Formation.

“Vocation, more than our own choice, is a response to the Lord’s unmerited call” – Pope Francis

On the 25th of July, this year, we usher a new batch of incoming postulants. Six young men who responded to the Lord’s unmerited call. Coming from different dioceses, different personalities, and different aspirations, yet they share the same heart and the same humility to undergo the Pre-Novitiate Formation as Postulants or Pre-Novices.

Marc Lorenz Acebedo from the Archdiocese of Palo.

John Kenneth Cielo from Prelature Batanes.

Piolo Ryan Dela Cruz from the Archdiocese of Cotabato.

Ralph Rosales from the Diocese of Catarman.

Henry Jacob Aspacio Solano from the Archdiocese of Cotabato.

Francis Jude Taniñas from the Diocese of Borongan.

These six young men will be admitted to a new structure of daily activities where they will be grounded on what it means to live in a community. To boot, they will also be sent to various environment all the while overcoming diverse encounters during their exposures. The journey may prove too difficult, even so, in their voyage towards the unknown, God, being the God of peace, love, and joy, will proffer fulfillment, warmth, and bliss.

May God grant these young men resiliency as they head to a new chapter of their lives, a chapter of discerning in answering God’s call, and may God also bless the Catholic Church with an abundance of young men and women as shepherds in tending God’s multitude of flocks.

-KD Buot